So often, we feel off and not quite sure why. While there maybe a lot of things that can be at work, and as always, I’d recommend both movement and stillness -“sitting with it”, to sort things out, I’d like to introduce you to one more thing you may not be aware of – And you are welcome!!!!
Mercury Retrograde, is a process in which, three times a year, planet Mercury is believed to to be moving in an opposite direction to out planet EARTH. But is it really moving backwards or just an illusion? When our planet passes through mercury during orbiting around the sun, this illusion takes place due to the fact that Mercury simply moving SLOWER.
But if it actually retrograding or just an illusion, astrologists believe the influences are REAL! Areas of our life, specifically related to communication and technology, will seem to be “off”, since mercury “governs” the realm of communication, learning and travel.
If you felt “snappy” this week, if your computer all of a sudden froze, if your flight was last minute canceled, a business deal went in a complete wrong direction etc… just maybe, that IT WAS NOT ALL YOU…..this time 😜
You can be totally dependent on the above info and feel helpless, you can be fully and utterly skeptical OR you can begin to understand that we, ALL, are a part of a bigger thing at work; universe growing, changing, moving, unfolding and sometimes, it is nice to know, it was, after all, not all about/because/for/due…to us!!!
Take care of yourself during this time, breath before you speak, move your GUNAS (your emotions/energy centers), laugh at your goofy mistakes (or else I wouldn’t be here today)….be human!!!!