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Vinyasa Flow:
This class strings a sequence of traditional poses in 3 sets; Sun A, B and C.  Typically, each class starts with meditation inspired by a quote or a verse from a book I choose to cover in a series of classes, followed by a warm up to your hips , arms, side body and hamstrings so you can gradually build heat by synchronizing breath and movement slowly shifting the mindset you came to class with.  Every class moves to a sensual powerful playlist curated specifically to fit the theme and the poses involved.

Hot Vinyasa Flow:
Same as above but in a heated studio.

Rise and Vibe/Rise and Flow/Flow Into Your Weekend:
Same as above but early in the morning – geared to leave you charged up and ready for your day!

“Into the Wild” Flow:
Neshama’s Sunday morning flow.

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Wednesday Hot Ashtanga/Vinyasa Combo:
Ashtanga seems to be a term that scares so many potential Yogis – don’t let it! While not necessarily being a beginners format, I do find it a good one to explore when you want to start your yoga journey. There is not better place to start (that was my start!) than in a format that repeats itself every week, with just some changes ( hence Ashtanga Vinyasa), moves slow – five breaths per pose and builds both physical and mental stamina.
In order to later flow in a vinyasa class, knowing the bread and butter poses of Yoga, and have time to deepening  them, or find your personal edge in them, Ashtanga can be a great place to be!
Many people often ask me – “but isn’t it boring to do the same every single class????” To that I say many things but here is two things to remember – aren’t  you the same, but totally not, every single day????? 
If you are a runner, how can you do that every single day or even 3 times a week, isn’t that boring????
While the practice follows an order that stays mostly the same, YOU are NEVR the same! You bring a different part of you to the mat, every single time you step on it to practice and you get to explore new areas of  YOU every time you practice.  If you take yoga as a self exploratory journey, you will never get bored! If just as a work out…….Well, I’ll do my best to change your mind!
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Meditation and Yin:
This class starts with time to pause, find stillness and serenity in the breath, in the silence and in what happens when you quietly observe your thoughts.  Twenty minutes of silence followed by 35 minutes of deep, four point of contacts with the floor, long held poses that are designed at giving your muscle tissues deep stretch and “internal self giving massage” as I like to call it, so ease and increased range of motion, takes place over time – great for athletes of all kinds and for those who want gentle practice but one that is no less deep and transformative.
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All Levels Yoga:
Follows similar format as our vinyasa flow but moves with the attempt to fit needs of ALL kinds of students, beginners and seasoned. 
Here, the teacher will build a sequence that can be easily advanced for the seasoned yogis and slowed down for the one who first came to try.
As I always say, the success of your yoga journey depends on your commitment to come back over and over again and see your growth! Let us guide you – you just show up!
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Kids Art and Yoga:
Our most beloved and well attended program for kids 6-11, designed to make our new generation of kiddos to breathe before they respond, to move so they can feel, to have fun and create beautiful, vivid art….Together!
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Yoga Nidra:
This ancient practice will leave you at the least, well rested and at times – will be a life changing experience!
Through an ancient script, with a theme I write about every month, your “ sleeping body” will take a journey deep in, to meet with yourself, face predisposed notions of yourself which do not serve you anymore, find pleasant sensation in becoming more aware and observant of exactly what intentions your spirit seeks.

Contact Revi To Reserve Your Spot and Pay Electronically.

Gong Immersion:
Once a month, either combined with Nidra or in and of itself, come feel the frequency and vibration of the gong which will shift your “Gunas”, your 3 forces of energy and state of mind, in your body. Find balance and solitude while sleeping to its beautiful and powerful sound.
Contact Revi To Reserve Your Spot and Pay Electronically.
Art for Wellness:
This workshop is designed to help you add one more tool, to slow down our fast moving life and dig deep into a talent, a feel, a desire, a love you may have had and never explored. Come try your best, guided by a teacher who will show you  your potential, when you thought you had none.
Contact Revi To Reserve Your Spot and Pay Electronically.
Introduction To Meditation:

Would you like to improve your focus and concentration? Improve your memory? Reduce your stress and anxiety? Increase your self-acceptance and awareness? Strengthen your immune system? Lower your blood pressure and heart rate? Current research has consistently shown that meditation can help achieve all of these benefits, as well as actually bring about changes in the brain.

The course includes supportive meditation instruction, experiential learning, demonstrations, meditation sessions of various types and lengths, class discussion and handouts. Participants will acquire the knowledge, skills and ability to develop a regular personal meditation practice and, given sustained practice, potentially derive the benefits described above. Course flyer.

Contact Revi To Reserve Your Spot and Pay Electronically.
G.R.I.T. – Parent & Teen Yoga Series
Ground – two weeks of meditation, music, sermon and sequencing to dive into YOUR CENTER. Realize – come to understand who you are and what is your unique “super power”. Internalize – immerse into your power and find infinite inspiration from within for equanimity and, Transform and Transition – to what you came here to be/to do/to pass forward.
Contact Revi To Reserve Your Spot and Pay Electronically.


As of 1/1/24:

Drop in – $27
Pack of 5 – $125
Pack of 10 – $230
Private Nidra – $150
Group Nidra/Sound Healing – $50, per person
Art for Wellness Workshops – $275, per person including materials
GRIT for Teens Workshops – $260
Intro to Meditation Workshop – $265 per person, 4 weekly sessions

Contact Revi To Reserve Your Spot and Pay Electronically

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