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Still feels like Egypt!

My plan to write the last part of Passover Then and Now, wrapping up some more significant miracles and the formation of the Jewish Nation on Mount Sinai, may have to wait till next year, due to recent events which feel more pressing. However, as the tittle suggests, still very connected and relevant.

When I try to wrap my brain around the growing hateful speech and demonstrations around different universities across the nation and specifically the madness at Colombia University, last week’s message from the Ugly Duckling story which Pinkola mentions in her book, Women Who Run With the Wolves, comes alive!

We have discussed the difference between Fitting In – cropping/ hiding parts of yourself, dimming yourself down, dumbing yourself down, changing in one way or another, just so you could fit.

When you belong, you just do!!! And you do, FOR all the things you are and all that you bring to any group you BELONG to.


My love for teens and my past experiences and acute understanding of them, makes me sad and angry about how far they are from belonging. So far, they’ll do and say crazy things for the sense of fitting in, thinking they truly belong.

So what is really going on and where did we go so wrong as to have young and bright kids, use such horrific narratives, truly believing it is in the name of moral codes and justice, as if “Death to…..”, or “Bomb…..”, ever was.

So, beside the obvious components every caring parent and educator likes to highlight, namely- post covid generation, social media, peer pressure etc, something was growing from under our noses for far too long, robbing our kids from critical thinking, arguing over complicated tough subjects, essentially, leading to self alienation and estrangement from their country, the values, themselves.

Below you’ll see a link to view an important documentary we have screened last Sunday, followed by a very wise panel, coming from different sides of our own city and all over the country, showing the root of the problem, raising a generation that is at the least weak and at most, dangerous.

In Killing America, the claim at first, may look like it is all about antisemitism, but just keep watching and you’ll soon understand, that it is only one horrible side affect of a very oily, dangerous, narrow minded, binary way of thinking, namely, White vs Brown/ black, agent vs victim, and oppressed vs oppressor, all introduced by the nation DEI, paid by our own tax paying money!!!

With the corrupted indoctrination of the country’s DEI and the introduction to EQUATY, our kids no longer appreciate the American Dream, which is the source of the beauty of this country ( I am one example), which begs the prerequisite of hard work, tenacity, emotional resilience and healthy competition!

As you will see in the film, to make people of colour and the “oppressed “ feel good, the Bay Area in California, canceled honor classes, assuming their existence isn’t equatable!

Madness?????Yes!!! Dangerous ??? Absolutely!

When did the idea of working hard to achieve became so offensive and so reserved only for the oppressor?

When will we see again, humble immigrants, sacrificing for their kids and grandkids as back with the Irish, Italians and Jews, to name a few????

Is getting everything we want, without a fight, without hard work, innovation and sweat good for us??????

Please watch this documentary and start having real conversations with your kids about what do they really learn at school and consider speaking up against this dangerous “oversimplification “ of our society as it is in the making.

I believe that the closer we look at how our kids began to think in such narrow ways, our way of shepherding them back to the complexity of the world will be possible again, and that with regards to the war in Israel, the one emotion every healthy mind should feel, is at the least, sad, terribly sad for everyone!

Instead what we witness is hate, anger and blame, as tools to “belong”, blaming one side and one side only!!!

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Revi Frydman

I am the founder/owner of Neshama Yoga Studio—a sacred place for all to come, listen and  meet their one and only, unique SOUL (Neshama).

Revi-Lations was born out my students’ positive reactions to my weekly newsletter and different peeps along the way who kept urging me to think about a blog, a podcast or something in between.

Posting my newsletter on my website, is my natural “In Between“. We had a few names as potentials (Revi’s corner, Revi’s Soapbox and few more…), but it landed on Revi-Lations, by my gorgeous, talented, writer Sis-in-law, Lisa Barr (who has an open book with all my mistakes in English, saved for a day she needs to use it against me 😱.  I’m sure soon enough, you would too…).  I do hope you enjoy it and if it ever gets you through the day, drop a comment and let me know.

As always,
Only love,
Give love,
Be love –
Revi ♥️

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